It's valentine's day, in a pandemic. The only thing that people have to look forward to, is ordering take-out or cooking a delicious meal. This year, it will be different for us. I only have 5 more radiation treatments left, and they say this will be the most challenging time. The extreme pain started on Thursday, and I had a full on meltdown at the hospital. I know that I'm so lucky I got this far without experiencing this level of pain, but holy shit, it's a lot handle. The good news is, you don't have to suffer. I went to the radiation nursing clinic on Friday, and they prescribed real pain killers (Tylenol ain't cutting it). I also have to eat a really bland diet (hence, the plain rice). So, basically I can't have anything with flavour (lucky me!), or you get the runs, and runs = a lot of pain. It's very romantic. I can't wait for the day when I can go back to eating food with flavour, and actually having a fancy meal. Until then, my special meal tonight will be plain rice, with a side of Imodium.